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How to Unclog Meibomian Glands

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A close-up image of an eye with eyelid inflammation.

The reason behind your dry or irritated eyes may be meibomian glands. These tiny but essential structures in your eyelids play an important role in keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable.

However, when they get clogged, it can lead to meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye disease. Warm eyelid compresses, lid wipes, meibomian gland expression, and medicated eye drops can help unclog meibomian glands. Your eye doctor can perform an eye exam to assess your eyes and the severity of symptoms to determine a management plan.

What Are Meibomian Glands?  

Meibomian glands are small, specialized glands located along the edges of your upper and lower eyelids. Their role is to produce an oily substance called meibum. This oily layer forms part of your tear film and is crucial for tear film stability.

Meibum helps prevent tears from evaporating too quickly, keeping your eyes lubricated and comfortable. Without it, the watery layers of your tears will evaporate early, leaving your eyes dry and irritated.  

When meibomian glands function as they should, you probably don’t think twice about them. But when they become clogged, they can’t release their oils, leading to meibomian gland dysfunction, dry eye disease, and uncomfortable symptoms.  

What Is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) results from inflammation and clogged glands, which block the flow of meibum. Symptoms of MGD include:

  • Dryness or irritation in your eyes  
  • Grittiness or a sandy feeling  
  • Burning
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision that improves with blinking  
  • Sensitivity to light  
  • Redness
  • Swollen or crusty eyelid margins  

Several factors can increase your risk of developing MGD, including:

How to Recognize Clogged Meibomian Glands  

If you’re unsure if your meibomian glands are clogged, there are some signs you can look out for at home:

  • Eyelid tenderness or swelling  
  • White or yellow deposits along the eyelid margin  
  • Trouble wearing contact lenses due to dryness  
  • Increased tear production as the eyes overcompensate from your tears evaporating early

How Your Optometrist Can Help

An eye doctor wearing gloves examining a person's eyes.

While you can do certain things at home to relieve symptoms of clogged glands, your eye doctor is your resource for understanding and managing MGD. During an eye exam, they can assess the health of your tear film and even take photos or videos of your glands

They can use advanced tools to examine your meibomian glands and determine if they’re clogged or dysfunctional. During an eye exam, they can assess the health of your tear film and even take photos or videos of your glands.

Options for Relieving Symptoms of MGD

There are a variety of options for managing clogged glands and MGD, including:

  • Warm eye compresses: Warm compresses can help release crusting and clogged glands.
  • Lid wipes: Your eye doctor may recommend gentle lid scrubs or cleansers to keep your eyelid margins clean.  
  • Meibomian gland expression: An in-office solution that includes manually expressing the glands to clear out blockages.  
  • Medicated eye drops: Prescription eye drops might be suggested for chronic underlying inflammation or infection.

Your Daily At-Home Care Routine  

Even with professional help, maintaining good habits at home can support your eye health and prevent further issues. Here are some tips to prevent clogged meibomian glands and resulting dry eyes:

  • Keep up with regular eye exams: Your eye doctor can check the health of your meibomian glands during routine eye exams and catch any issues early on.
  • Practice good eyelid hygiene: Cleaning your eyelids regularly can help prevent build-up and blockages in your meibomian glands.
  • Use a humidifier: Using a humidifier in your home or office can help maintain moisture levels.
  • Avoid irritants: Certain environmental factors, like wind or excessive heat, can exacerbate symptoms of MGD. Wear sunglasses when outdoors.
  • Lubricate your eyes: Use artificial tears and blink more frequently when looking at screens for long periods.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to maintain a healthy tear film.

Personalized Solutions for Symptom Relief

Your meibomian glands may be small, but their role in maintaining eye comfort is significant. When they become clogged, dry eyes and discomfort can disrupt your daily life. 

Don’t ignore the signs related to MGD. Book an appointment with Northern Lights Optometry to receive the personalized care you need to address the problem effectively and relieve symptoms. Whether it’s expert care or advice tailored to your lifestyle, we can help you bring relief and restore vision comfort.  

Written by Northern Lights Optometry

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