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Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Blink?

A person working at their computer, pushing their glasses out of the way and rubbing their eyes due to discomfort when blinking.

Blinking is something we do thousands of times a day. But when you notice discomfort, it makes even the simplest tasks uncomfortable. You don’t have to suffer from eye irritation—not when your optometrist can help you find relief. And finding the solution begins with understanding what’s causing your symptoms. Some common reasons why your eye […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurriness?

A young woman in a red dress rubs her eyes in pain from the sand and wind hitting her eyes while on the beach

Dry eyes are more than an inconvenience—they can impact your vision and quality of life. Dry eyes can cause several symptoms, including blurry vision, redness, light sensitivity, and stinging sensations.  Fortunately, you’re not alone in experiencing blurry vision and uncomfortable dryness. Your optometrist can recommend a treatment plan to relieve your dry eye symptoms, but […]

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Kindergarten Health Fair

Earlier this summer, I was given the opportunity to provide vision screening exams to the incoming cohort of kindergarten students at the Kwanlin Dun Pre-K Health Fair.  This event was an impressive collaboration between local healthcare providers including nurses, dentists, audiologists, and of course optometrists. Children and parents circulated through exam stations where the kindergarteners […]

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