Contact Lens Exams & Fittings in Whitehorse

Book Appointment

A Custom Prescription for Your Contacts

Clear, comfortable vision with contact lenses relies on an up-to-date contact lens prescription. Your contacts prescription is different from your eyeglasses prescription and includes additional information about the shape of your eyes.

Visit us for a comprehensive contact lens exam to get your prescription.

About Your Contact Lens Exam

During your contact lens exam, we’ll test your visual acuity with an eye chart and measure your refractive error with our digital Reichert Phoroptor.

We’ll also measure the curvature of your cornea, which is the front portion of your eye, and the size of your pupil and iris so we can find the right lens fit for the unique shape of your eyes.

If you have a high degree of astigmatism or a corneal irregularity due to keratoconus, we’ll use corneal topography to create a 3D map of your cornea. This tool allows us to custom-fit specialty scleral lenses, which can offer clear vision for people with irregular corneas.

Caring for Your Contact Lenses

Excellent contact lens hygiene is essential to prevent eye infections or scratches related to contact lens use. Good contact lens hygiene habits include:

  • Wearing your contact lenses for the amount of time prescribed and replacing them for new lenses as recommended by your optometrist
  • Washing your hands before and after inserting or removing your lenses
  • Cleaning your lenses as directed, including always rubbing them, even if you use a “no-rub” solution
  • Never sharing your contacts with anyone else

Our Contact Lens Brands

We have a range of contact lens varieties and brands, including soft and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, toric lenses for astigmatism, and multifocal contacts to correct presbyopia.

We stock all Acuvue, CooperVision, Alcon, and Bausch & Lomb contacts. You can also reorder your contacts using our online form.

Our Brands

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The options are nearly endless when it comes to ACUVUE® brand contact lenses – the #1 contact lens brand in the world. Long-lasting comfort and clear vision can be yours with a contact lens in the ACUVUE® brand family.

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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Bausch + Lomb

Bausch + Lomb is one of the best-known and most respected healthcare brands globally, offering the widest and finest range of eye health products including contact lenses and lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products.

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Contact lenses should be comfortable, affordable, and convenient. CIBA is proud to offer many contact lenses, including breathable day and night lenses, single-use lenses, bifocal lenses, and cosmetic lenses. You and your eyes deserve top quality contact lenses that fit your unique vision needs.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There's much more to our story than that, however. You'll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate, we listen, and we enjoy what we do.

Visit Us In Whitehorse

Our Address

  • 2093 2nd Avenue
  • Whitehorse, YT
    Y1A 1B5

Our Contacts

Find us in downtown Whitehorse across from the Yukon Visitor Information Centre, just steps from Main Street and the Yukon River.

For your convenience, we are wheelchair accessible.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Hours of operation may vary on holidays.

Our Testimonials

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