Age-Related Macular Degeneration Evaluations

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Enhanced Evaluation for Patients with AMD

We know that peace of mind is important to you when you’re living with an eye disease. At Northern Lights Optometry, we’ve invested in leading diagnostic technology (Zeiss Cirrus 6000 and Optos Monaco Retinal Camera) that allows us to quickly and effectively detect and track eye concerns such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

If you’ve been diagnosed with AMD, we’ll work with you to create a custom treatment plan and a personalized evaluation schedule so we can help manage your visual condition.

What Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD or AMD) is the most common cause of the loss of eyesight among people over 50. AMD primarily affects the central vision of an individual leaving a person’s peripheral vision intact, not causing complete blindness as a result. It really affects the ability to see fine details and can cause someone not to be able to see things directly in front of them depending on the severity. Often in the early stages of AMD there may be no symptoms for a person.

The portion of the back of the eye that allows one to see is called the retina. The retina’s most sensitive portion makes up a person’s central vision and is called the macula. In AMD, the macula becomes damaged. There are two types of AMD, Dry AMD and Wet AMD. The dry form makes up approximately 90% of the cases. It develops when small yellow deposits called drusen begin to form underneath the macula causing thinning and breakdown of the tissue. The wet form of AMD occurs much less commonly, approximately 10% of the time, and is a result of abnormal blood vessel growth under the macula. These blood vessels begin to leak fluids and blood and this form tends to be more severe and can advance more rapidly.

What to Expect in Your AMD Evaluation

Your AMD evaluation goes beyond our standard eye exam to give us additional insight into the health of your eyes. We’ll dilate your eyes with drops and use diagnostic imaging equipment to take detailed photos of the internal structures of your eyes.

Our Optos Monaco retinal camera allows us to capture both an ultra-wide picture of your retina and perform optical coherence tomography to see a cross-section view, too. We’ll also use autofluorescence imaging to give us yet another way to assess the health of your eyes.

This comprehensive approach will allow us to suggest a treatment plan, if necessary, and recommend a schedule for additional follow-up evaluations. 

What Are the Symptoms of AMD?

In the early stages of AMD, you typically won’t notice symptoms, which is why eye exams are so important.

As AMD progresses, mild symptoms can include blurriness in your central vision and some trouble seeing in low light.

In late stages, both wet and dry AMD symptoms can include:

  • Straight lines looking wavy
  • Blurriness or blank spots at the centre of your vision
  • Difficulty seeing in low light
  • Colours seeming less vibrant

There’s no cure for AMD, but treatment may be able to preserve your vision and slow progression of the disease.

Treatment may not be necessary during the earliest stages of AMD. Instead, we’ll encourage you to make healthy lifestyle choices, like eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and quitting smoking, to support your visual health.

In later stages, treatment will depend on the type of AMD you have.

Intermediate and advanced dry AMD may be slowed by supplementing your diet with high levels of certain antioxidants and minerals, including vitamins C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, and copper.

Wet AMD can be treated with medication injections and laser treatment.

Visit Us In Whitehorse

Our Address

  • 2093 2nd Avenue
  • Whitehorse, YT
    Y1A 1B5

Our Contacts

Find us in downtown Whitehorse across from the Yukon Visitor Information Centre, just steps from Main Street and the Yukon River.

For your convenience, we are wheelchair accessible.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Hours of operation may vary on holidays.

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